Mandatory Testimony and Documents
For all those who are attempting Harvard World Records title, the listed below items are compulsory to submit. Complete and proper documents and evidences help our adjudicator to make fair decision. The list is as follow:
Evident photograph
Evident video
Cover letter
Two witness statement
Identity proof
We understand that for some records, gathering all these above mentioned items may not be possible, in this case we recommend you to contact your Record Guide and it will be then determined what can be done in that case.
Specific Evidence and Documents
Evidence required may vary from record to record, above mentioned documents and evidences are anyhow compulsory to submit. Depending on your record we may require some additional evidence. In case if you lack any of the required or specific documents you are advised to contact your Record Guide. Your cooperation in providing all the evidence & document is highly appreciated. Specific Evidence (if need of the record) are listed below:
Please note that specific evidences are required depending on the nature of your record.
- If your record is time-related, a time-keeper statement will be required. As in, if you are attempting highest number of skips in a minute, a time-keeper statement is must. All time-dependant records should have a time-keeper statement.
- Dimensional Record Statement- If your record is based on dimension, a statement stating physical dimension of your record should be attached.
- If your record is made in extended time, a log statement, containing all details should be presented.
- If your record is based on Mass Participation, an administrator statement should be presented.
- In case of, animal associated record, veteran statement should be attached.
All evidences and statements, mentioned above are asked for the proper verification of your record. These records are not exhausted and you can always add more related documents and evidence. Mention it under additional record column. For additional queries regarding evidence, witness, documents, testimonies, contact your Record Guide.